get involved in the production process...
Video-essays are just not the same without music and impossible to make without someone recording them...
We know this very well, and this is why we are looking for people interested in collaborating creatively with us!
What are we looking for?
If you're a music composer interested in working with us please send us some samples of your work containing previews of soundscapes that you’ve made which you think will fit well with our channel and we’ll reach you back to discuss the details of the collaboration.
If you're a voice actor interested in working with us please send us a recording sample containing one passage (of your choice) from one of our videos (150-250 words) and we’ll reach back to you to discuss further details regarding the collaboration.
We know creative and intellectual work is work, and it should be paid! ❤. However, at the moment, we are unable to properly pay our collaborators (or ourselves for that matter…) For this reason, most of our collaborations are unpaid at the moment and there isn't any remuneration involved, unless videos are supported by external grants.
This will hopefully change, as our Patreon, și Ko-fi page are growing. So, whenever we’ll be able to guarantee remuneration for the work involved, we'll update this section right away.
colaboratorx din trecut și prezent...
Adrian Feener - Compoziție muzicală
Andrei Bobiș de la Cirkular Studio - Compoziție muzicală
Oana Cristina Pușcatu - Narațiune și actorie
Teodora Retegan - Narațiune și actorie
BAB - Compoziție muzicală
De-a lungul timpului am lucrat cu multe persoane incredibil de talentate, care au participat fie profund și direct în producția video-urilor făcând ilustrații, animație sau cercetare pentru texte, fie ne-au dat sfaturi prețioase când a fost nevoie. Majoritatea numelor lor le veți găsi în descrierea de pe Youtube a fiecărui video în parte. Sutem foarte recunoscători tuturor acestor persoane, inclusiv albinelor ce au polenizat ecosistemele între timp.