- playlist -

An experiment in video-making, these short animated essays combine storytelling with critical theory. They are an attempt to put into moving images the questions we ask and the answers we find along the way. Whether relying on blackboard or digital animation, they weave emotion into thinking about the world, challenging its structures of power and domination. This playlist is where we play, finding new languages to express ourselves - it is the place for our uncategorizable artforms, where both our short films and thoroughly theoretical essays can be found.

Natural Gas, The Bridge To Climate Disaster

This video explores the ways in which, over time, the fossil fuel industry has presented itself as making positive contributions to society. Through various advertisements and investments, this trend continues even today in the public discourse. If coal is no longer convincing as an energy source the industry is promising us another "cleaner", more "natural", fossil fuel: methane gas! But how good is it?

Escape, Resistance and Solidarity - Farmed Animal Sanctuaries as the Heart of the Movement

In this film you'll hear about actions of escape and animal resistance and you'll find an exploration of what animal sanctuaries are, what they try to achieve, what tensions they bring forward, and what possible futures they help materialize. And, by raising the voices of the Cuori Liberi antispeciesist activists from Italy, the film navigates just how entangled animal and human liberation are.

Letters to our multispecies kin - 12 writings to other animals

This video was produced after a workshop about imagining multispecies worlds, and its text was written by its participants. The film is a work of collective imagination that reflects with curiosity, kindness, and awe over a series of relations the participants had with other animals.

Children & Animal Companions: Care, love, and grief in multispecies families

In this video we explore the complex relationships existing between children and their “pets” by following the questions and findings of the CLAN research project. The research looks at the affective practices existing between children and animal companions, how empathy and relationships develop, how they are defined, how families and households change, and how care plays a vital role.

Beyond speciesism, beyond humanism, beyond

Can we think and act beyond speciesism? Maybe, but to do so, we must first look back at what brought us here. This video tells us about a story: the story of the Human who saw himself as different from all other animals, separate from all nature. Inspired by posthumanist, feminist, queer, antiracist, and antiableist theory, this video essay tries to conceive of multiple visions for the future of antispeciesism.

we fly, we crawl, we swim: a short film about climate justice

A short animated film that explores different ideas of justice through anti-speciesist lenses. The film engages with ideas taken from environmental justice, political ecology, political philosophy, posthumanism, and anti-speciesist thought. Its main aim is to seek out possibilities of making climate justice with other animals.

"The human" is political!

This animation pricks and thrusts at the eurocentric, patriarchal, rational human concept, with many voices denouncing its authority and asking for its abolition. The video twists around a falling of Anthropocentrism within certain philosophical thought while trying to push towards its final peak within the factual, material reality.

The wild things are coming

This is a story inspired by our deep connections with each other, with our mothers and with earth, through and with our bodies. How do we learn to love what we eat, and how do we learn what, or who, is edible? Take a seat and listen to this life-long conversation between a mother and a daughter.

Climate Crisis - The final exam!

This year has been rowdy, people have risen all over the globe in a wave of climate protests. We’ve had more and more talk of what actions to take, and more hope, despite the heat-waves, despite the fires and the destruction. But how should we teach, and learn, in a world affected by greenhouse gas emissions? In a world changed irrevocably, a world we need to steer into another direction?

Alienation - Eat while you work, work while you commute

It often feels like the only way we can keep up with the world’s speed is to eat while we work, work while we commute, multitask to exhaustion. Why is this world so sped up, we wonder, what is it about our economic, material, social condition that keeps us running in lanes? There are many causes to our alienation, some, deeper than others. Let’s slow down today, slow down collectively.

Voicemail to the hungry epoch

Incoming voicemail from an uncertain future. Pick up. Is it still human?

Anthropocene - The Great Party

What does it mean to be human in an age of anthropic induced climate change? What words should we use, what actions should we take and how did we get here? We’re just wondering, but just wondering is not enough right now. So let’s wonder whereto, and then act.

older videos we've made...

What's cybersurveillance got to do with you?

So much of our lives are online, and yet we understand so little about what this means. How are our identities handled in cyberspace? How can we newly conceptualize privacy, who owns our data, and how much control do we have over what we share with friends and strangers? Big data is getting bigger by the second, and we might need to decide what we want to do with it before something or someone else makes the choice for us.

Towards an ontology of the commons

Have you ever wondered about what we all have in common? Not just breathing - but beyond that, what are our commons, our human commons? And beyond that - the commons of living things, all living things? In this essay, we’re exploring the idea of the commons down to the ontological base. Come, think with us.

How does culture shape our bodies?

What’s up with this thing we sense through, our body? Hearing, seeing, smelling, accessing the world, all done through a bunch of complicated flesh with nervous networks within it. How is this body shaped by the very different cultures, times and spaces it inhabits?

What beliefs shape our lives?

How did humans get to be such a successful species? And more urgently what's next in store for them? Here are some possible answers, based on historian Yuval Noah Harari's new book, Homo Deus.

Meditation against consumption

You might think that day-to-day activities have enough alternatives for your boredom, but is it so? For sure, the world brings you interesting experiences, but for the long run, you might just be silent and alone from time to time...

What is food?

Whether you look at it from an individual level or on a global scale, the choices you make have an impact on you and on others around you. In a capitalist market, we constantly have to choose, so why not choose better if that's our only option. Instead of choosing what will appease our appetite at a given moment, why not choose foods that are nutritious to our bodies, better for the environment, and less harmful to other living beings?