Animal ontology and philosophical ethology - after Roberto Marchesini
A short, yet deep dive into Roberto Marchesini's animal ontology. Exploring Marchesini's thought, this video essay brings forward many of his philosophical and ethological concepts that end up paving the way for a new and vital model of animal subjectivity.
Ways of thinking about animal issues - after Matthew Calarco
Based on Matthew Calarco’s book "Thinking Through Animals: Identity, Difference, Indistinction" this video explores three essential philosophical approaches reflecting upon the human/animal distinction and other animal issues.
A political theory of animal rights - after Sue Donaldson & Will Kymlicka
In their work, Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka argue for a future where other animals are not only protected but enabled to shape society. A future where nonhuman animals are recognized as political actors instead of moral patients for which humans decide. In this video, we'll explore some of these exciting ideas, along with some of the critiques their work has raised.
Indigenous Knowledges and the Teachings of Plants - after Robin Wall Kimmerer
This video follows Robin Wall Kimmerer ideas from her online speeches and her two books, ”Braiding Sweetgrass” and ”Gathering moss”, with the hope of spreading the seeds of gratitude further.
Critical Pedagogy Beyond Humanism - After Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire was an inspiring, amazing thinker, and a true believer in people’s capacity to self-organize and to create their own, transformative knowledge. However, his pedagogy is deeply rooted in humanism and uncritical to it. In this video, we explore some of his ideas regarding critical pedagogy and point further towards a pedagogy that's not rooted in anthropocentrism.
Animal & Disability Liberation - with Sunaura Taylor
Sunaura Taylor is an artist, writer and activist for disability and animal rights. In this video we explore the central argument of her book, ”Beasts of Burden”, that aims to show how ableism and speciesism are intertwined, working with one another as oppressions.
A Litany for Survival in Pandemic Times - after Audre Lorde
Audre Lorde was a Black lesbian feminist poet. She was a fierce activist and listening to her can be both empowering and soothing in these times of crisis - a crisis of capitalist exploitation that led us to a climate crisis and a pandemic that makes deeper the already existing inequalities. But one can learn to live with fear and beyond it, with disease and beyond it, and most importantly, with each other - care and organize, for each other.
The end of endings - with Timothy Morton’s philosophy
Timothy Morton puts us on a path where the white western version of the world is gone. The smooth and blank stuff that can be changed as “we” please is no longer here. Massive entities like global warming are pushing us towards this realization as they are slowly changing our habitual pattern. Anthropocentrism is shaken from the ground because existence just is coexistence with other lifeforms.
Making kin beyond babies - after Donna Haraway
What does „Make kin, not babies” mean? Why is it relevant and why is it dangerous? The video takes into account the critiques it has received from feminist marxists and others. Moreover, it tries to show how the concept was expanded by other feminist philosophers and thinkers, as well as how Haraway herself enmeshed it into her own work about living and dying and about staying with the trouble in the Chthulucene.
Everything is equally weird - On Graham Harman's philosophy
A brief overview of Graham Harman’s weird realism and his object oriented philosophy (OOP). This is our first piece that is part of a new series of videos on thinkers and concepts. The playlist explores different theoretical concepts covering some of our own interests and are recorded with our own voices.