what, who, why...

just wondering... is a small autonomous collective that creates critical and speculative animated essays. The productions often explore anti-speciesism, posthumanism, social and environmental justice. The collective consists of Aron Nor, independent researcher and self-taught filmmaker-artivist, Mina Mimosa, visual artist and illustrator, and M. Martelli, writer and researcher-activist.

Aron Nor
director, researcher, animator & editor
Works towards co-existence while challenging anthroprivilege.
Self-taught in all things, but celebrating interdependence rather than individuality.
Reads philosophy and researches the Romanian "street dogs problem".

Mina Mimosa
illustrator, art director & designer
Carries softness as a way of being, vulnerability as an artform.
Finally accepting that being compared to a mimosa is to be taken as a form of praise.
Studied sculpture, lives with a human partner and a rescued cat companion

M. Martelli
researcher, writer & producer
Lives with hopeful pessimism as a response to this unjust world.
Draws energy from poetry, sun rays, coffee, and feminism.
Thinks by writing & marvels at plants blooming.
more about us...
We are a collective of three individuals located in Romania that aims to provide a glimpse of some of the vast theoretical developments in various philosophical and sociological fields by dedicating ourselves to the process of researching, writing, illustrating, animating, composing, and collaborating with others in presenting radical and critical approaches to the current status quo. In time, our perspectives became more influenced by critical animal studies, disability justice, posthumanism(s), environmental justice, and the project of total liberation.
We create short animated essays, step by step, from concept to final details, minute by minute, putting words into illustrations and moving them to create something to reflect over, to feel, and to imagine further.
just wondering... doesn’t just wander aimlessly. Most often there are pressing questions we look to pose, questions that pain us, and questions that give us joy. Our work is inescapably political and speculative, dedicated to addressing oppression in all its pervasive forms by questioning power relations, privilege, and our position and point of view in the world. We turn to philosophy, to sociology, to poetry, and to art for different answers. Sometimes we find some, sometimes we end up with more questions. Always enmeshed in them personally. Always charmed with the search. Always wary and anxious of pretending to know. Always believing in the search for some form of 'knowledge' that doesn't just rest in the thinking-subject awaiting to be found, but it is of our embodiment, of our sensitivity towards the world, and reflective of the more-than-human intricacy. We're not always successful, and our philosophies change, but we hope this project will give more to the world than it takes from it.