weirdos, crips and broken things: on the neurodiversity movement & futures beyond capitalism
A deep-dive into a personal/political story of (non)belonging, understanding one’s identity and finding one’s community. In this video you’ll find a theoretical introduction to the neurodiversity movement, exploring its main ideas and arguments. The narration delves into topics such as labels, mad/disabled/neurodivergent identity, oppression and collective liberation, all from within a path of becoming at home within the autistic body/mind.
Into the Planthroposcene - together with the photosynthetic ones
How present are plants in your life? Do you notice them, or consider them part of the background? This video explores the relationships we have with the photosynthetic ones - those beings thanks to whom we can breathe, and thus be alive. By learning to listen to the vegetal world, the Planthroposcene pushes us to explore other ways of being human and thus disrupt colonial and anthropocentric understandings of what plants are.
Where are the pigs? African Swine Fever in Deadly Assemblages
This is an exploration and commemoration of a deadly pig pandemic and the lives it touched. It’s created by humans who believe it is important to find ways to respond to this catastrophe.
The Roma woman, at the edge of the world
What shapes the life experiences of a young Roma woman? In this video essay, izabela marin interlocks stories from their own life with feminist and antiracist theory, to account for the multitude of oppressions and the particular sufferings of these embodiments.
Our streets: queer & Black bodies in movement and protest
The video touches upon the concept of choreopolitics – a theory of body and movements, specifically in the context of protesting for Black lives.
Care ethics against Neoliberalism
How can we think up better responses to resist neoliberalism? And what if, maybe, these responses are actually actions, happenings, as proposed by care ethics? This video was made in collaboration with Riley Valentine, who is a Ph.D. student in Political Science. They study political rhetoric and ideology, using care ethics as an alternative to neoliberalism. Drawing from care ethics literature, Riley argues how care is one way of doing and acting morally towards those around us.
Mountains of Harm: Biopolitics and the Re-Claimed Body
We are glad to be having Z. Zane McNeill to debut our new series of collaborations with other scholars and activists! In this piece, he wrote about how structures of oppression (and thus, liberation) are etched within our bodies, using theory from Eli Clare and Michel Foucault and speaking honestly about personal experience.